Sunday, January 11, 2009

Off with a bang...

So we were told that it was going to snow 8 inches. The snow was suppossed to start at midnight and go through the night. Alani and I planned ahead, and went to the dollar store. Got two of the finest sledding saucers in town. Oh, and let me tell you. Im sure the on lookers were very jealous. We woke up early in the morning and of course ran to the window prepared to be amazed and to are surprize there was no more snow than the night before. But lucky for us it was all we needed to entertain us. We took our sled to a local hill. And, of course I sent Alani down the hill first. Unfortunately there was a little ramp that the kids had made in the way. I aimed Alani away from it. But of course she made a bee-line straight towards it and hit it like a champ. Feet in the air, flipping over. Now you all know my daughter....very dramatic. I go running to her aid in the white slipper boots that I had the great idea to wear in order to keep me as dry as possible. Well one little note...there was no grip on the bottom of these boots. Slippers and ice, not a good match. My feet went staight out from under me landing square on my back. I think everyone around got a good laugh. Needless to say Alani was at the bottom of the hill, VERY upset! She got over it quickly it and the rest of the day went off without a hitch.